Appendix I.
Ships of the 7th Flotilla in 1914.
Scout Cruiser
Skirmisher. Built by Vickers. Launched 7.2.05. Displacement.
2895 tons. Coal fired. Top speed 25 knots. 9 - 4" guns, 6 - 6 pdr. guns, 2 - T8"
Torpedo tubes.
Skirmisher with Sentrnel, 1916.
B Class Destroyers
Arab, Earnest, Griffon, Lively, Locust, Panthel Quail, Seal,
Sprightly, Success, Thrasher, Wolf. Built between 24.9.95. And 1.3.01.
Displacement 355 to 400 tons, Coal fired. Top speed 30 knots. 1 - 12pdr.gun,
5 - 6 pdr.guns. 2 - 18" torpedo fubes.
Arab, 1903
Lively, 1908
Success, 1911.
Thrasher, 1897
Quail, 1908
C Class Destroyers
Albatross, Avon, Bullfinch, Dove, Leopard, Sylvia, Thorn,
Vixen, Violet. Built between 10.10.96 and 29.3.00. Displacement 350 to 400
tons. Coal fired. Top speed 30 knots. 5 - 6pdr.gun. 5 - 6pdr.guns. 2 - 18"
torpedo tubes-
Albatross, 1908
Bullfinch, 1901
Torpedo Boats
Numbers 1,2,3,4,5,13,14,15,16, 21,22,24. Built between
23.1.06.artd 19.3.08. Displacement 225 to 306 tons. Oil fired. Top speed 26
knots. 2 - 12 pdr. guns. 3 - 18" torpedo tubes.
TB15, 1907
Depot Ships
Leander replaced by St. George in November 1974. Leander was
built as cruiser 28.10.82 and converted to depot ship 6.04. Displacement 4050
tons. Coal fired. Top speed 17 knots. 4.- 6pdr.guns. St.George was built as
cruiser 23.6.92. and converted to depot ship 3.10. Displacement 5750 tons. Coal
fired. Top speed 19 knots. Unarmed.
Leander, 1904
St George, 1906
Appendix II
The Admiralty Declaration of 2nd November, 1914 on Mining.
During the last week the Germans have scattered mines indiscriminately in the
open sea on the main trade route between from America to Liverpool via the
north of Ireland. Peaceful merchant ships have already been blown up with loss
of life by this agency. The White Star Olympic escaped disaster by pure good
luck. But for the warnings given by British cruisers, other British and neutral
merchants and passenger vessels would have been destroyed. These mines can
not have been laid by any German ship-of-war. They have been laid by some
merchant vessel flying a neutral flag which has come along the trade route as if
for the purpose of peaceful commerce and, while profiting to the full by the
immunity enjoyed by neutral merchant vessels, has wantonly and recklessly
endangered the lives of all that travel on the sea, regardless of whether they are
friend or foe, civilian or military in character.
Minelaying under a neutral flag and reconnaissance conducted by trawlers,
hospital ships and neutral vessels are the ordinary features of German naval
warfare. In these circumstances, having regard to the great interests enffusted to
the British Navy, to the safety of peaceful conlmerce on the high seas, and to the
maintenance within the limits of international law of trade between neutral
countries, the Admiralty feel it necessary to adapt exceptional measures
appropriate to the novel conditions under which the war is being waged.
They therefore give notice that the whole of the North Sea must be considered a
military area. Within this area merchant shipping of all kinds, traders of all
countries, fishing craft, and all other vessels will be exposed to the gravest
danger from mines which it is necessary to lay, and from warships searching
vigilantly by night and day for suspicious craft. All merchant and fishing vessels
of every description are hereby warned of the dangers they encounter by entering
this area except in strict accordance with Admiralty directions. Every effort will
be made to convey this warning to neutral countries and to vessels on the seas,
but from November 5th. onwards the Admiralty announce that all ships passing a
line drawn from the northern point of the Hebrides through the Faroe Island to
Iceland do so at their peril.
Ships of all countries wishing to trade to and from Norway, the Baltic, Denmark
and Holland are advised to come, if inward bound, by the English Channel and
the Straits of Dover. There they will be given sailing directions which will pass
them safely, as far as Great Britain is concerned, up the east coast of England to
Farne Island, whence a safe route will, if possible, be given to Lindesnaes
Lighthouse. From this point they should turn north or south according to their
destination, keeping as near to the coast as possible. The converse applies to
vessels outward bound. By strict adherence to these routes the commerce of all
counfries will be able to reach its destination in safety as far as Great Britain is
concerned, but any straying, even for a few miles, from the course thus indicated,
may be followed by fatal consequences.
Appendix III.
Convention No.9 of the Second Hague Conference.
I. The bombardment by naval forces of undefended ports, towns, villages,
dwellings or buildings is forbidden. A place may not be bombarded solely on the
ground that automatic submarine contact mines are anchored offthe harbour.
II. Military works, military or naval establishments, depots of arms or war
material, workshops or plant which could be utilised for the needs of the hostile
fleet or army, and ships of war in the harbour, are not, however, included in this
prohibition. The commander of a naval force may destroy them with atillery
after a sulnmons followed by a reasonable interval of time, if all other means are
impossible, and when local authorities have not themselves destroyed them
within the time fixed.
The commander incurs no responsibility for any unavoidable damage which may
be caused by a bombardment under such circumstances.
If for military reasons immediate action is necessary, and no delay can be allowed
to the enemy, it is nevertheless understood that the prohibition to bombard
undefended towns holds good, as in the case given in the flrst paragraph, and the
commander shall take all due measures in order that the town may suffer as little
harm as possible.
III. After due notice has been given, the bombardment of undefended ports,
towns, villages, dwellings or buildings may be commenced, if the local
authorities, on a formal sufirmons being made to them, decline to comply with
requisitions for provisions or supplies necessary for the immediate use of the
naval force before the place in question.
Such requisitions shall be proportionate to the resources of the place. They shall
only be demanded in the name of the commander of the said naval force, and
they shall, as far as possible, be paid for in ready money; if not receipts shall be
IV. The bombardment of undefended ports, towns, villages, dwellings, or
buildings, on account of failure to pay money contributions, is forbidden.
Appendix IV.
The German Declaration of 5th February" 1915.
1. The waters around Great Britain and lreland, including the whole of the
English Channel, are herewith declared to be in the War Zone. From February,
18 onwards, every merchant-ship met with in this War Zone will be destroyed,
nor will it always be possible to obviate the danger with which the crews and
passengers are thereby threatened.
2. Neutral ships too, will run a risk in the War Zone, for in view of the misuse of
neutral flags ordered by the British Government on January 31, and owing to the
hazards of naval warfare, it may not be always be possible to prevent the attacks
meant for hostile ships from being directed against neutral ships.
3. Shipping north of the Shetland Islands, in the eastern part of the North Sea
and on a strip at least 30 nautical miles wide along the Dutch coast, is not
threatened with danger.
V. Pohl,
Chief of Naval Staff
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